Basic Usage
- Recommendations for Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat used in Food Processor (Person)
- How do I change the recommendations to Canadian recomendations?
- Add attachments to your records
- Tutorials
- How can I search for gluten-free Ingredients for my Recipe?
- How do I change which nutrients are shown in reports (Nutrients to View)?
Advanced Usage
- Run Food Processor on a Mac
- Find items high or low in a certain nutrient using the Nutrient/F5 Search
- Date Format Options (My Preferences)
- Why do the Protein Quality and MyPlate reports show low protein value for client's high protein intake?
- How do I analyze for 1/3 of the DRIs?
- How do I account for cooking changes when inputting Ingredients for a Recipe?
- Save files to your local computer (from the Cloud version of The Food Processor)
- How do I transfer my data to the cloud version of Food Processor?
- Save from the Cloud to your local Mac
- Select the proper drive when setting up Food Processor Cloud version on a Mac
- Select a default PDF viewer on the ESHA Cloud version of the Food Processor