If you are entering your correct password, but are unable to log in, there are three likely possibilities:
You are attempting to log in to the incorrect Cloud instance
- Your password has expired
You need to clear saved credentials in Windows
Log in to the correct instance
There are two potential Cloud instances to which you may connect. The quickest way to determine which applies below is based on your username:
- If your username is your email address, log in at https://cloud.esha.com.
- If your username ends with @eshacloud, log in at https://login.eshacloud.com.
If, in either case, the website reports invalid credentials, contact Support to have your password reset for you.
Reset your password
If you are met with a notice in red text that "Your password is expired. Click here to change it", follow the instructions below. Passwords are set to expire periodically (generally, after 180 or 360 days) and a reset will be forced.
Note: For the initial login, the page should show you (in red text) that you will need to change your password. This is by design to force you to change the password to one of your own choosing. |
Click the blue "here" link, and follow the steps to change the password to one of your choosing. Note passwords must meet each of the following criteria:
At least 8 characters in length
Does not contain your account or full name
Contains at least three of the following four character groups:
- English uppercase letter (A-Z)
- English lowercase letter (a-z)
- Numeral (0-9)
- Non-alphanumeric characters (such as !, $, #, %)
Please Note users can change the password anytime when logged into their Cloud program.
Select CTRL+ALT+End and choose the Change a password option.
Reset your credentials in Windows
- Close Cloud Session.
- From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
- Click User Accounts.
- Click Credential Manager.
- In the Windows Credentials and Generic Credentials section, remove any stored credentials referencing Wizmoworks.net
- Click Details or Expand Arrow.
- Click Remove.
- Click Yes on the warning box.
- Repeat these steps until you remove all of the credentials associated with your email address.
- Close the Control Panel window.
- Launch Cloud Session again.
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